Hello. My name is John and I am a Facebook junkie. I started out just as simply as everybody else does; a friend told me I needed to create a Facebook page, so I created one. I spent a while picking out the perfect picture of myself to show the world what I look like (a picture I use as my profile picture for this blog as well) in not too gory detail. A picture where I wouldn't look too fat or too old. I filled out my information. Gender: Male; Religion: Atheist; Political Views: blank. Then I filled out my likes and interests: The Oakland Athletics, Cars, Technology, Music, Literature, Graduating, and the Los Angeles Dodgers. After that I filled out a list of my favorite TV shows; they're too numerous to mention, but suffice it to say that some of them are pretty lame and are only listed for their train wreck value.
The story gets a little more interesting when one day I found out that I was a 'fan' of every single thing I listed in my likes and interests. There's a page for nearly everything, even what I listed under the my favorite books section (I read a lot of classics). How the hell can 'I read a lot of classics' even be a page anyway? I've noticed that I am a fan of America's Next Top Model, The Biggest Loser, and Jersey Shore - all huge train wrecks. Can anybody hold that against me? I don't think so. Besides, I didn't intend that to be the basis of me joining a facebook fansite for the shit. Facebook has severely invaded my info page to sign me up for things. So if you have dumb things written in your likes and interests, be warned that this can happen. This revelation has happened rather recently. My days as a facebook junkie started long ago.
I started playing Mafia Wars about two years ago and I really haven't missed one single day of playing it. It is one of the slew of games that facebook employs to keep bored users online longer. Among the most notably terrible games are farmville, farmtown, yoville, treasure isle, vampire wars, cafe world, and petville. I do not play anything except Mafia Wars in which I am currently on level 459. I have not purchased any points or anything to help me skip levels and/or level up faster. I am simply incredibly dedicated to one insanely dumb game.

I have just revealed one of my biggest sources of shame. Other people have meaningful hobbies, I revel in my own futility. I have one saving grace, however: I do not shamelessly leave annoying and intentionally incomplete status updates in order to drum up attention for myself. The Facebook friends I have that perform this sad ritual are soon booted off my list for the abhorrent act. Most of them transpire like this. SUSAN JACOBY oh no. DAN FELMER oh no what? SALLY DAVIS are you okay? DAVID JACOBY what's up susan? Are you all right? SUSAN JACOBY I just found out that Ricky Martin is gay. Many people are bamboozled into believing something of meaning just happened and it could have been horrible. It's usually very banal and boring to find out the true cause.
What are these people trying to pull? Do they need to startle everyone into paying attention or is there just some gross misunderstanding? I think these people are just the right mix of selfish and uncreative to fail at coming up with something that garners proper interest. But these people are not the worst offenders of unwritten Facebook etiquette, there is another far worse specimen that makes my blood boil: the overtly religious poster.
These people come in all shapes and sizes and use Facebook as their personal forum to capitalize pronouns and nouns relating to the divine. They usually use it in reference to something wholly unrelated like, "The Raiders win! Praise Him!" I'm like, uhh the Raiders are a group of people... oh wait. And although it might smack of divine intervention for the Raiders to win a game, does every trivial human happening have to involve god? If there's one thing Facebook helps prove, its that god, if he existed, would have far greater things to do than waste time like the rest of us idiots.